A FICO score is a measure of a persons credit worthiness. FICO an acronym for Fair Isaac Corporation was founded by Bill Fair and Earl Isaac in 1956. Today the FICO score is considered accurate enough to determine the likely hood of an individual to pay back a loan. This score is generated by a history of past credit performance. If a person has been consistent with their payments and has done this over a period of time they have developed a history that suggests they are likely to make payments or to return the balance on time.
Acts chapter 4 closes with a description of the early church. The Apostles preached with power and the people gave of their substance. The Bible says those that had houses and lands sold them and gave so that everyone's need was met (Acts 4:34-35). They set a trend that defines the history of the early church. They gave that everybody would be on equal ground. There was no need to borrow because there was provision and all could come to the treasury and make a request. Chapter five opens with the introduction of a man and wife. Ananias and Sapphira were members of this church, but they were unwilling to make the same commitment. We are not told whether or not they had as much as the Rich Young Ruler. We are told they decided to keep back part of their proceeds. They were unwilling to embrace freewill giving. They conspired together to keep a portion for themselves. What they did not realize is that they were establishing their history. They were creating their credit worthiness with God. How could they be trusted with greater things if they were not faithful with the smaller less important things.
He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much (Luke 16:10). We build our relationship with God on a daily basis. He trusts us with the unsearchable truths that can turn a man's heart towards Him. How is you history?