Monday, December 27, 2010

Unmatched Faith

A know a man who had a vision to build a house but there were obstacles in his way. He had no money and he had no land. He felt so strongly about his vision that he began to clear a piece of property without the owners knowledge or consent. His neighbors asked him what he was doing. He told them he was making preparation for his house by clearing the land. They laughed at him and told him he was crazy because it was not likely this could happen to him. They knew he had no money and the land was not for sale. Despite the railings and discouraging words he received from his neighbors and friends he continued to work. Eventually he finished clearing the land. He found the owner's phone number and gave him a call. That day the owner agreed to sell the property, but said he would not pay to have it cleared. This man's faith was great enough to believe he could obtain the things he desired. He labored towards his vision without seeing the ending while trusting God to offer grace for its completion.

There was a woman with an issue of blood twelve years. Because of her sickness she was banished from her home and separated from her family. She spent all she had on doctors and none of them were able to find a cure. She heard that Jesus was passing by and purposed in her heart to touch His garment. Her faith allowed her to beleive she did not need to speak to Him. There was no need for Him to stop and waste His time with her. All she needed was a single touch and her cure would be found. She went against societal traditions to be in places she should have avoided. She touched people from which she should have distanced herself. In one final gesture of faith she reached and touched the hem of the garment Jesus wore that day. Jesus felt the touch because a healing virtue was released. He stopped and asked who had the faith to receive such a release from him. There she was, broken from her circumstances but healed by her faith. He said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you whole.(Mk. 5:34)"

Pursue your faith to obtain an unmatched blessing. Salvation is available to all who believe. Deliverance, whether it is from sickness, disease or sin is available in Jesus Christ. Your faith alone provides access to God's grace.(Acts 2:38)

Monday, December 20, 2010

I'm Sorry It's Not You, It's Me

In this age of information people are unable to escape the scrutiny of their peers. Nothing is able to fly under the radar of our friends and associates. Much of the time we fall victim to their opions and sometimes even allow ourselves to governed by them. That's what we define as people pleasing. As long as no one is offended by our actions we are fine with ourselves. The issue is, there will always be those who are offended by the things we do. One person may agree and another disagree. Neither of them are wrong. They are both entitled to their opinions. The real issue is the individual who is not aware of their own. When we release our own desires for the sake of attempting to please others we fall victim to the spirit of people pleasing.

Solomon said, "The whole duty of man is to fear God and keep His commandments.(Ecclesiastes 12:13)" If we are to fear God rather than man how do we get caught by the temptation to surrender to man? Could the lack of purpose or knowledge of purpose be the reason? We perish because we lack knowledge and sometimes reject knowledge.(Hosea 4:6) The knowledge of purpose is important for us as individuals and as members of the Body of Christ. And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose. (Rom. 8:28) God assigns purpose to man's life. God also appoints things to enlighten and to mature the believer. It's those things that cause man to waiver back and forth and to sometimes be influenced by others expectations. God's ways are not always understood or even visible. We are placed in situations that encourage our growth and maturity. We learn to trust in God. We learn that every person has an opinion and is entitled to have one. We as believers have to be transformed. Our expectations have to be redirected. Man can not assign purpose to our lives, neither can he produce growth and or maturity. Our relationship with the Lord is what provides for us the things we can not provide for ourselves.

Purpose is assigned by God. The scripture states, "to them who are called." Christ said He came to call sinners to repentance. (Matt. 9:13,Mk. 2:17, Lk. 5:32) Those who recognize they are sinners should understand they are also called. The call is first to repentance then into purpose.(Heb. 11:6) In order for purpose to be fulfilled there must be a process. The process is called salvation or deliverance. Man can be released from the power of the flesh only by recieving God's power.(Jn. 1:12) Recieving God's power means a side has been chosen. Man can choose to remain in sin or be saved set free and delivered by the power of God. Once on God's side His power must be relied upon to endure. We struggle with the flesh to remain faithful to a God who is all spirit.(Jn. 4:24) There is nothing good in the flesh. We can not enter into the heavenly realm in the flesh. We must be changed. The motions or the actions of the flesh must be destroyed for the life in the spirit to thrive with us.

The battle ground must be defined if we are going to as Paul put it, "war a good warfare." (Tim. 1:18) We struggle against spirits that would desire we carry out the deeds of the flesh. (see Gal. 5:19-21) These are the things we fight to resist. They are spirit and we have been given power. 2Cor. 10:4(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) If our weapons are not carnal it is safe to assume our enemy is not carnal either.
Eph. 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Our surroundings are filled with opposition. Those things that are in opposition to God are also in opposition to us. Let us seek the will of God to know our struggle and purpose in our hearts to press using the power we have been given to endure.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Word of the Day "Suddenly"

I woke up one morning this week with the word suddenly in my spirit. I thought to myself that must be the word of the day. I remembered the Bible tells us that on the Day of Pentecost they were with one accord and in one place (Acts 2:1). The word suddenly appears and we see the events that follow. I had to ask myself how the word suddenly could be applied to me. I searched the scriptures a little more for the word and found it can be used to describe the results of many different circumstances. I found in the book of Proverbs the naughty, spiritually mischeveous or wicked person. They are intentionally deceptive in their actions and they seem to know the right things to do or say . They take every opportunity to sow discord or to speak against fruitful relationships. The evil in their hearts cause them to constantly disrupt the things that are intended to be a blessing. The end of that person is pronounced as calamity. It will come suddenly (Prov. 6:12-15).

How much better it is to live a life that will afford us the opportunity to expect the blessings of God. The Day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night (2Pet. 3:10). If we apply the word suddenly to our right now, would it be blessing or curse, heaven or hell? The people of God wait with great expectation for the comming of our Lord. Watching for a visiting loved one is nothing like waiting for our Lord. He's coming back for those He has redeemed. His return means our departure. The day will come suddenly to those who are not watching (Luke 12:39). Suddenly can mean the best is yet to come or it only gets worse.


What should I be doing when Jesus returns?

How do I know I will go with Him?

Where will I be taken?

For answers see:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Honest with God

Ever held a conversation and felt there was no need to be completely honest? Did you feel that being totaly hones would cause you some harm or loss? There have been times when I would speak with people and share information that I felt was sensitive. I would hold back information for fear of losing respect or causing someone to misjudge my character.

King David was confronted about his adulterous encounter with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband Uriah. God chose to reveal the gravity of David's actions by telling him a story that would expose his sin. Otherwise David could have been dishonest in his reasoning. The propeht Nathan told him the story of a rich man who wronged a poor man with one little ewe lamb. David was enfuriated and demanded justice for the poor man. Nathan then told David he was that rich man. The story pricked David's heart and caused him to see the degree of wrong committed against the poor man (Uriah). David confessed and was lead to a place of contrition before God. Honesty has to begin with us before we can demand it of others.(2Sam. 12:1-13)

David later wrote a psalm that described his spiritual condition after being confronted with the truth. In that psalm he stated, "Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom." (Ps. 51:6) King David acknowledged he would be unable to approach God with a lie in his heart. I have had experiences that revealed a lie will hinder the ability to hear from God. Like going to God in prayer to ask for a blessing knowing there has not been any earnest prayer in days. Intentionally not spending time with Him and kneeling to pray out of habit with no real desire to speak to Him or hear from Him. This type of truth creates distance between us and God. But, He desires it. Sincere desire to be with God will reveal hinderances. I thought if I just ignored it everything would one day blow over and my relationship would be restored. I guess David thought the same thing, until he was confronted. Let us be honest with God and ourselves. We need Him to survive. Repent and be restored.