Monday, November 29, 2010

Today is the Day

We spend a lot of time thinking about our past and future, along with the decsions we have made. All of those things shape how we feel about our right now. We may say to ourselves, "If only had gone to college, or why did I allow myself to get pregnant so soon?" Life is filled with choices. The way we percieve them matters. We can not just stop living and start over at a different place in life. Starting over is a reality only for those who accept God's plan of redemption. At that point our past does not matter and our future is already determined (Jer. 29:11).

The way we think about ourselves is not able to add anything to our lives. Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? (Matt. 6:27) Nothing we do is able to change the past or modify our physical make up. What we can do is trust Christ and allow Him to direct our paths. Too much time is wasted worrying about yesterday's mistakes and the consequences of tomorrow. Let the grace of God for tomorrow handle the things of tomorrow. Use the strength you were blessed with today for today's issues. Tomorrow is not a promise (Jas. 4:13-14). Worrying about tomorrow is not an investment. It is actually being wasteful. Take better care of the time God has given and trust Him to provide. We will either be blessed with the grace that is sufficient for the trial or blessed to be in His presence. Either way, those who have been redeemed are assured blessing in this life or the next. That is a promise that lasts. Are you prepared? See for more details.

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